Cântăre Louder than the radio

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 136
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7267-louder-than-the-radio]Louder than the radio[/url]

I've been standing on the summit

I've been looking for the rain

I've been looking for the cloud to come but

maybe not the pain

I've been looking for a miracle I've been

looking for a sign

To see some hope come to the world

I've been standing with a blazing torch

I've been looking where to run

I've been praying for the faith I need to see

your kingdom come

I've been looking in the mirror

I think you need to change

Lets pray that hope comes to the world

Everybody round the world come on

We need some love to fall on us

Everybody round the world come on

We need some grace to fall on us

I've been standing with the fatherless

We've been learning how to pray

All we're asking is the grace we need to live a

better way

We've been longing for the walls to crash that

hold us from the truth

Let's pray that hope comes to the world

Can you hear the sound that's rising?

From all the corners of the earth

And young and old will stand together

Can you hear the praise? It's louder than

the radio!

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Binecuvântat să fie Dumnezeu, Tatăl Domnului nostru Isus Hristos, care, după îndurarea Sa cea mare, ne-a născut din nou prin învierea lui Isus Hristos din morți, la o nădejde vie. ( 1 Petru 1:3 )