Cântăre Lord you have my heart

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 142
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7281-lord-you-have-my-heart]Lord you have my heart[/url]

Lord you have my heart

And I will search for yours

Jesus take my life and lead me on.

Lord you have my heart

And I will search for yours

Let me be to you a sacrifice.

(men) And I will praise you Lord

(ladies) I will praise you Lord

(men) And I will sing of love come down

(ladies) I will sing of love come down

(men) And as you show your face

(ladies) Show your face

(together) We'll see your glory here.

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Piciorul meu stă pe calea cea dreaptă: voi binecuvânta pe Domnul în adunări. ( Psalmii 26:12 )