Cântăre Open the eyes of my heart (1)

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 136
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7288-open-the-eyes-of-my-heart-1]Open the eyes of my heart (1)[/url]

Open The Eyes Of My Heart

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

Open the eyes of my heart

I want to see You

I want to see You

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

Open the eyes of my heart

I want to see You

I want to see You

To see You high and lifted up

Shining in the light of Your glory

Pour out Your power and love

As we sing holy, holy, holy

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

Open the eyes of my heart

I want to see You

I want to see You

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

Open the eyes of my heart

I want to see You

I want to see You

Holy, holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy

I want to see You

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

Open the eyes of my heart

I want to see You

I want to see You

Holy, holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy

I want to see You

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Ai milă de mine, Dumnezeule, ai milă de mine! Căci în Tine mi se încrede sufletul; la umbra aripilor Tale caut un loc de scăpare, până vor trece nenorocirile. ( Psalmii 57:1 )