Cântăre Thirsty

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 148
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7298-thirsty]Thirsty[/url]

I’m so thirsty, I can feel it

Burning through the furthest corners of my soul

Deep desire, can’t describe this

Nameless urge that drives me somewhere

Though I don’t know where to go

Seems I’ve heard about a River from someone who’s been

And they tell me once you reach it, oh, you’ll never thirst again

So I have to find the River, somehow my life depends on the River

Holy River, I’m so thirsty

Other waters I’ve been drinkin’

But they always leave me empty like before

Satisfaction, all I’m askin’

Could I really feel this thirsty if there weren’t something more?

And I’ve heard about a River from someone who’s been

And they tell me once you reach it, oh, you’ll never thirst again

So I have to find the River, somehow my life depends on the River

Holy River, I’m so thirsty

I’m on the shore now of the wildest River

And I kneel and beg for mercy from the sky

But no one answers, I’ve gotta take my chances

‘Cause something deep inside me’s cryin’

"This is why you are alive!"

So I plunge into the River with all that I am

Praying this will be the River where I’ll never thirst again

I’m abandoned to the River

And now my life depends on the River

Holy River, I’m so thirsty

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De aceea, lepădați orice necurăție și orice revărsare de răutate, și primiți cu blândețe Cuvântul sădit în voi, care vă poate mântui sufletele. ( Iacov 1:21 )