Cântăre Sometimes love

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 119
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7308-sometimes-love]Sometimes love[/url]

Is our world spinning backwards?

What has brought about this change?

Can’t you see that people aren’t the same...

I wish I were dreamin’, and could wake up from my sleep

And find us all the way we used to be...

‘Cause the love that used to be is dyin’

Is anybody even tryin’?

And I don’t know how, I don’t know why

But somethin’ in my soul is cryin’ (listen)...

Sometimes love has to drive a nail into its own hand

Sometimes love has to drive a nail into its own hand

One pair of hands broke some bread and washed some feet

Opened eyes and soothed an angry sea

Belong to a man who could see our deepest need

And showed us love the way it has to be

‘Cause he knew the price that love requires

And he laid down his own desires...

He stretched out his hands to save his friends

And said "no other love is higher"

(so listen to me now singin’)

Sometimes love has to drive a nail into its own hand

Sometimes love has to drive a nail into its own hand

Love can change us, love can make a way

Only Jesus' love can change us, love can make a way

Sometimes love has to drive a nail into its own hand

Sometimes love has to drive a nail into its own hand
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