Cântăre Count on me top

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 137
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7319-count-on-me-top]Count on me top[/url]

You've been a lifeline

A friend for a lifetime

And more

We'll be together

Until forever

I'm sure

You are a gift from Jesus

Sent with love

Oh, I believe it

I thank God For giving me you

C: One, two, three, four

Count on me to be there

Five, six, seven, eight

Never gonna go away

Oh, you know I love you

Three, four, five, six

I'll just keep repeating it

Seven, eight, nine, ten

All the way to heaven

Oh, I'll go

With you

Through all your tomorrows

Oh, feel free

To count on me

I will protect you

Love and respect you


Tell me a secret

I'm gonna keep it

So safe

We've seen the best

The worst

The deepest parts

Of both our hearts


Every day

I treasure you more

Lean on me in hard times

Let's smile at all the good times

I'll pray for you at all times

Count on me to be there

Count on me to be there

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