Cântăre Break my heart top

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 161
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7320-break-my-heart-top]Break my heart top[/url]

I've known laughter

Days of fun

Had many hours in the sun

Been to many mountains

Walked along the ocean shores

I've seen rainbows fill the sky

Counted stars on summer nights

Oh, so many moments

That have filled my soul with joy

C: But it's been the rain

It's been the storms

It's been the days

When I've been worn

That I have found you, Lord

That I have seen you, Father

It's in the pain

That I have grown

Through all the sorrow

I have known

But, if that's what it takes

For you to lead me this far

Go ahead and break my heart

I have felt the winter snow

Seen the beauty of a rose

Sat by many fires

And enjoyed the warmth of friends

I've known love

And it's embrace

Have felt the wind

Against my face

Watched the moon at midnight

Shine upon a sleeping world

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