Cântăre Reborn

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 165
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7326-reborn]Reborn[/url]


If you see a change in me don't wonder

There's someone in my life

And peace I can't describe

For I've been reborn

If you see a change in me don't wonder

I've found a whole new life

And hope that I can't hide

For I've been reborn

Have you ever felt a longing

A searching, within your soul

You want something more

But you don't know what for

There's One who will reach across the distance

From the heavens to the earth

Because He loves you

He loves you

If you see a change in me don't wonder

There's someone in my life

And peace I can't describe

For I've been reborn

If you see a change in me don't wonder

I've found a whole new life

And hope that I can't hide

For I've been reborn

Have you ever felt that something is missing within your soul

You want something more, but you don't know what for

There is only One you need, but you've got to believe

That He loves you enough to give His life

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Cine strânge vara, este un om chibzuit, dar cine doarme în timpul seceratului, este un om care face ruşine. ( Proverbele 10:5 )