Cântăre One

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7327-one]One[/url]


Tell me, can I get a witness here

Listen up, while the music's pumpin'

Come on, everybody gather 'round

Tell me what He's done in your life

If you want to make a difference here

If your ready to believe in something

Then let me here you say "oh"

We know, He'll be with us wherever we go

And we're standing here as one, I know

We come together

To lift His praises tonight

And when we do

You know we're doing right

Don't make no difference where we're coming from

We believe in the Son

And that's what makes us one

Let me tell you, it's a brand new day

Every color, every nation

Old things have passed away

It's just a freedom you know

You can feel it in a whole new way

If He's makin' you a new creation, then let me hear you say "oh"

What we share, is a bond that nobody can break

No, they can't take that away, I know

We come together

To lift His praises tonight

And when we do

You know we're doing right

Don't make no difference where we're coming from

We believe in the Son

And that's what makes us one

We are one in the Spirit

We are one in the Lord

We are one in the Spirit

One in the Lord

We are one in the Spirit

We are one in the Lord

We believe in the Father

We believe in the Son

And that's what makes us one

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Căci ochii Domnului sunt peste cei neprihăniți, și urechile Lui iau aminte la rugăciunile lor. Dar fața Domnului este împotriva celor ce fac răul. ( 1 Petru 3:12 )