Cântăre More to this

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 124
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7341-more-to-this]More to this[/url]

More To This

People get ready

For something like you've never seen

Open up your eyes

Open up you heart

Open up your arms

And let the Spirit of the Saviour set you free

You ain't seen nothing yet

All the rumors are true

I don't know about you

But I know that there's more to this

People, here it is

Just what we've all been waiting for

Open up your eyes

Open up your heart

Open up your arms

And let the Spirit of the Saviour set you free

You ain't seen nothing yet

All the rumors are true

I don't know about you

But I know that there's more to this

Oh no, it doesn't all end here

Don't think this is the end

I will tell you again

That I know there's more to this

There's more to life

Than being born and dying

There's more to life

Than simply growing old

If we are wise

We'll keep our eyes on Jesus

Or miss out on the very thing

That God has made us for
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Prietenul adevărat iubește oricând, și în nenorocire ajunge ca un frate. ( Proverbele 17:17 )