Cântăre Take another look at me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 129
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7350-take-another-look-at-me]Take another look at me[/url]

I know the things that hurt you by heart

I know before the bad feelings start

I'm watching how you turn away melting inside

And I know you think you'll fix it yourself

You think of Me, it scares you away

Pretty sure you know what I'd say

You've heard so many people cry, speaking for Me

They all claim

You oughta know right by now

Take a took at Me

Don't ya know Me?

I've always been by your side

Take another look at Me

You can need Me

I know when you're tired

And when you're alone and lost

You're so afraid of tippin' your hand

Or learning where this hurting began

'Cause you like the way they see you now, from the outside

So you try to hide how desperate you are

Take a look at Me

You can trust Me

I'll always be by your side

Take another look at Me

You can need Me

'Cause I know when you're tired

And when you're alone and lost

I'm not surprised by the things you do and say

Oh! You'll never see Me walking away

I've been there at every turn you take

And the mistakes you've made

It hurts to see, you're not looking at Me

I'm always the faithful one, always will be

Take a look at Me

You can trust Me

I'll always be by your side

Take another look at Me

You can need Me

I know when you're tired

And when you're alone and lost

I know when you're tired

And when you are lost

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