Cântăre God is in this place

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 144
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7359-god-is-in-this-place]God is in this place[/url]

I need to say /

That God is in this place /

And God is right by your side /

You need to know /

That anywhere you go /

Just by faith his love will abide /

The moment could be /

Here and now /

When you need /

Someone to be there /

I'm telling you he's reaching out /

With love beyond compare /

And he knows your soul /

And he knows your heart /

Knows everything you are

Repeat chorus

Everyone stumbles /

Gets lost along the way /

But his mercy comes raining down /

With his amazing grace /

'Cause all that you need /

Is just to believe /

He's waiting to set you free

Repeat chorus

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Toți greșim în multe feluri. Dacă nu greșește cineva în vorbire, este un om desăvârșit, și poate să-și țină în frâu tot trupul. ( Iacov 3:2 )