Cântăre Amazing grace

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7377-amazing-grace]Amazing grace[/url]

Amazing grace that touched my heart

Anointing me to worship

Amazing grace that causes me

To stand in awe and sing

I reach out to You

Your hand of love, it conquers me

Calling to You

To the glory of Your name

I am falling for You

Run into Your presence

Falling into the arms of grace

I will call up on heaven

Just to see Your face

I’m lost in Your love

Amazing grace

Amazing grace that touched my heart

Anointing me to worship

Amazing grace that causes me

To stand in awe and sing

I reach out to You

Your hand of love, it conquers me

Calling to You

To the glory of Your name

I am falling for You

Run into Your presence

Falling into the arms of grace

I will call up on heaven

Just to see Your face

I’m lost in Your love

I reach out to You

Your hand of love, it conquers me

Calling to You

To the glory of Your name

I am falling for You

Run into Your presence

Falling into the arms of grace

I will call up on heaven

Just to see Your face

I’m lost in Your love

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meniu prim
Ca și Numele Tău, Dumnezeule, și lauda Ta răsună până la marginile pământului; dreapta Ta este plină de îndurare. ( Psalmii 48:10 )