Cântăre Overwhelmed

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 145
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7381-overwhelmed]Overwhelmed[/url]

I’m overwhelmed by Your love

I’m overwhelmed by Your touch

It’s Your love that’s lifted me

And forever I will sing

I’m overwhelmed by Your love

I’m overwhelmed by Your touch

It’s Your love that’s lifted me

And forever I will sing

Of Your amazing praise

Of Your amazing praise

I’m overwhelmed by Your love

I’m overwhelmed by Your touch

It’s Your love that’s lifted me

And forever I will sing

I’m overwhelmed by Your love

I’m overwhelmed by Your touch

It’s Your love that’s lifted me

And forever I will sing

Of Your amazing praise

Of Your amazing praise

I’ll lift Him up, the King of Glory

I’ll praise His name and tell the story

Of His goodness, kindness following me

All the days of my life

I’ll lift Him up, the King of Glory

I’ll praise His name and tell the story

Of His goodness, kindness following me

All the days of my life

I’m overwhelmed by Your love

I’m overwhelmed by Your touch

It’s Your love that’s lifted me

And forever I will sing

I’m overwhelmed by Your love

I’m overwhelmed by Your touch

It’s Your love that’s lifted me

And forever I will sing

Of Your amazing praise

Of Your amazing praise

I’ll lift Him up, the King of Glory

I’ll praise His name and tell the story

Of His goodness, kindness following me

All the days of my life

I’ll lift Him up, the King of Glory

I’ll praise His name and tell the story

Of His goodness, kindness following me

All the days of my life

Of Your amazing praise

Of Your amazing praise

Of Your amazing praise

Of Your amazing praise

I’ll lift Him up, the King of Glory

I’ll praise His name and tell the story

Of His goodness, kindness following me

All the days of my life

I’ll lift Him up, the King of Glory

I’ll praise His name and tell the story

Of His goodness, kindness following me

All the days of my life

All the days of my life

All the days of my life

All the days of my life

All the days of my life

All the days of my life

All the days of my life

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