Cântăre Come breathe

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 158
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7383-come-breathe]Come breathe[/url]

I need You Holy Spirit

Come touch me with Your oil of anointing

I need You Holy Spirit

Come touch me once again

I need You Holy Spirit

Come touch me with Your oil of anointing

I need You Holy Spirit

Come touch me once again

And as I reach for You

Unconscious of Your calling

That with Your touch I need to reach the lost

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe Your breath of life

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe Your breath of life

I need You Holy Spirit

Come touch me with Your oil of anointing

I need You Holy Spirit

Come touch me once again

I need You Holy Spirit

Come touch me with Your oil of anointing

I need You Holy Spirit

Come touch me once again

And as I reach for You

Unconscious of Your calling

That with Your touch I need to reach the lost

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe Your breath of life

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe Your breath of life

And as I reach for You

Unconscious of Your calling

That with Your touch I need to reach the lost

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe Your breath of life

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe Your breath of life

Come breathe

Come breathe

Come breathe Your breath of life

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Preaiubiților, vă sfătuiesc ca pe niște străini și călători, să vă feriți de poftele firii pământești, care se războiesc cu sufletul. ( 1 Petru 2:11 )