Cântăre To you i sing

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 156
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7392-to-you-i-sing]To you i sing[/url]

I will bless Your name

Forever proclaim the wonders of God

I surrender my all

In worship of the King

Of all the earth

I will sing of Your greatness

I will sing of Your love

Let me sing of the Lord

You are the one

Lover of my soul

Strength you make me whole

Lord I give my life and offering

Healer of my heart

Gave me a new start

Lord I give my life and offering

To You I sing

You are my Everything

And I’ll forever sing Your praise

For all my days

I will sing of Your greatness

I will sing of Your love

Let me sing of the Lord

You are the one

Lover of my soul

Strength you make me whole

Lord I give my life and offering

Healer of my heart

Gave me a new start

Lord I give my life and offering

To You I sing

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meniu prim
Ca niște buni ispravnici ai harului felurit al lui Dumnezeu, fiecare din voi să slujească altora după darul pe care l-a primit. ( 1 Petru 4:10 )