Cântăre Holy is the lord

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 147
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7398-holy-is-the-lord]Holy is the lord[/url]

I can see the angels gathering

'Round the Throne to bring an offering

Of praise to the King of all Kings

It's Jesus

I can hear their voices singing loud

Bringing anthems in a glorious cloud

Of praise to the King of all Kings

It's Jesus

Nations will join and men confess

Declaring Your holy righteousness

Giving their hearts, their lives, their all

To the King of Glory

Mountains declare and oceans roar

All of creation stands in awe

Join with them now in one accord

Holy is the Lord

All of the angels stand and sing

The anthem of heaven loudly rings

Hear them proclaim this offering

Holy is the Lord

Holy is the Lord

Holy is the Lord

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