Cântăre Could i ever

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 155
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7404-could-i-ever]Could i ever[/url]

When I woke up today

And thought of all the things You’d done

I find myself here

Feeling oh so overcome

You gave Your life away for me

Truly my heart belongs to You

So let me say

How could I ever thank You for

What You did at Calvary

When You bled and died for me

How could I ever turn away

Knowing that You paid the price

That I could never pay

When I think of the way

That You died upon that Cross

Bearing my sin

Even though my heart was lost

You gave Your life away for me

Truly my heart belongs to You

So let me say

How could I ever thank You for

What You did at Calvary

When You bled and died for me

How could I ever turn away

Knowing that You paid the price

That I could never pay

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