Cântăre Know You more

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 147
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7418-know-you-more]Know You more[/url]

You hold it all at once

The earth and all within

You look with eyes of love

To the sons of man

That I am known by You

Compels my heart to sing

I live to know You more

I live to know You more

I live to know You more

For me to live is Christ

To know You is my life

The storms will come and go

There's laughter and there's pain

Your kindness leads me on

To the light again

So I live and breathe

And find myself in You

I live to know You

I live to know You

I live to know You more

I count it all but loss

Compared to knowing You

I give my life away

To know You any day

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