Cântăre Everything about you

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 164
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7435-everything-about-you]Everything about you[/url]

Be my light in the darkened room

I'm on my face and I'm calling you

I can't fathom all you've done for me

Everytim it finds me on my knees

Like sinlight in the winter cold

Everything about you, it takes my breath


I tried this once without you and it was my

Great mistake...Hallelujah

Questions fade when you invade

You chase all my fears away

With your love in my atmosphere

All confusion disappears

And nothing but your truth remains

Questions fade, you remain

You are color on a page of white, bright

Like eyes beneath black lights

Like a glowing city on the plains, you call

My name

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