Cântăre Weak days

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 143
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7472-weak-days]Weak days[/url]

Weak Days

Another rainy Monday,

Looks like I'm gonna be late again;

Why does the race Im runnin' never seem to have an end.

A day away from Sunday,

Feels like I'm already losing ground -

Funny sometimes how quickly my emotions get turned around;

They're letting me down.


I gotta keep my eyes on Jesus

Through the weak days;

In a world where we really don't belong,

I've discovered if I keep my eyes on Jesus

Through the weak days,

Then even on the weak days He'll make me strong.

The spirit is so willing

When the fellowship is so sweet;

How soon all the good intentions

Find the flesh is weak.

But there's a power waiting,

With no limits to times or space;

All of our doubts and fears disappear without a trace

When we look on His face.


And when we keep our eyes on Jesus,

We'll gladly follow where He leads us.


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