Cântăre Water into wine top

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 148
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7474-water-into-wine-top]Water into wine top[/url]

My blinded eyes were made to see

My captive heart has been set free

I have seen a miracle

Now I believe

C: You turned the water into wine

Looking back I see the many times

You made the simple things divine

With a touch of Your hand

You changed this heart of mine

You turned the water into wine

Your still small voice will speak the truth

Your love alone will see me through

Lord, I need a miracle

Lord, I need You

Lord I need a miracle

Lord I need You

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Când în inima ta locuieşte Isus, eşti la iubire predispus, când în inima ta locuieşte al tău eu, atunci te răzvrăteşti mereu, împotriva Lui Dumnezeu.