Cântăre Run away

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 153
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7476-run-away]Run away[/url]

Run Away

Strolling past temptation avenue,

You hear so meny voices calling you;

Maybe you'll step in and take a quick look around.

Try to walk through it,

And you're gonna fall down.


You've gotta run away,

Turn around and run the other way;

Don't even look in the direction

of a thought you should not entertain.

You've gotta run away,

It's a prison that is calling your name;

You just can't win if you play,

So run away.

There comes a time when you must stand and fight,

When the darkness tries to evercome the light;

But sin that is dressed up in the color of gray,

Is only defeated

When we run away.


Don't put yourself in that position

Where sin can make it's proposition;

And if you find that you have fallen,

You gotta get up, get ready to run

Next time sin comes calling, calling.


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