Cântăre First hand

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 149
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7479-first-hand]First hand[/url]

First Hand

Another Sunday morning, same old you,

Hoping that the preacher's preaching's almost through;

Not sure you need to hear this,

Seems like you've heard it all before

A hundred times or more.

All this information second hand;

Is there something more you don't understand?

It's a way of life you're missing,

Where the word becomes a part of you,

Walking everyday with Jesus,

Finding out His promises are true.

Living life first hand,

Learning the truth

Straight from the Father.

Living life first hand,

There's no middle man

When you walk with the Lord

First hand.

It's all in your mind, the world will say,

But this is something

That they can't explain away;

Not just some fancy talking,

Or just some emotion that you feel,

It's a life of first hand walking,

Finding out His promises are real.

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meniu prim
Mai presus de toate, să aveți o dragoste fierbinte unii pentru alții, căci dragostea acoperă o sumedenie de păcate. ( 1 Petru 4:8 )