Cântăre Do they know

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 120
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7481-do-they-know]Do they know[/url]

Do They Know

I'm one of the chosen few

God chose to carry to

A hopeless and dying world

Good News.

I'm a disciple of

A caring Father's love,

A light to the world,

To show them the way.


Do they know;

Can they see;

Jesus lives in me. (2x)

A vacant house comes alive

When somebody moves inside,

A light in the window means somebody's home;

I say Jesus lives in me,

But can everybody see

The light of His love that shines in my heart.


A cloud of witnesses surrounds us,

Who long to share what we've received;

Tell me where will they see Jesus,

If not in you and me.

So we must let them know,

Let them see Jesus lives in you and me.

Let them know, let them see;

He is all they need,

Jesus is all we need.

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