Cântăre Caught in the moment

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 123
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7482-caught-in-the-moment]Caught in the moment[/url]

Every morning praise I sing to Thee

You're slow to wrath and

Swift to bless my soul

Your love endures unchanging

O hallelujah

Cover me with Your grace

Shine on me with Your light

Take Your arms hold me tight

Keep me caught in the moment

Every night I pray myself to sleep

I look to You and plead

My soul You'll keep

You endure unchanging

O hallelujah

Cover me with Your grace

Shine on me with Your light

Take Your arms hold me tight

Keep me caught in the moment

You've opened my eyes now

The mystery is clear to me

That in You and You alone

I find the love that sets me free

Cover me with Your grace

Shine on me with Your light

Take Your arms hold me tight

Keep me caught in the moment

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Hotărârea, dreptatea, exemplul şi sinceritatea alcătuiesc ceea ce noi numim caracter. El este temelia demnităţii personale. (La Rochefoucauld)