Cântăre Thats what matters

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 160
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7491-thats-what-matters]Thats what matters[/url]

That's What Matters

I read about this guy once

He seemed to own the earth

As far as big shots go and people in the know... well

He was definitely top of the list

Anything he wanted - he'd get it

Society's dream

Had lots of stuff - had lots of money

But you know what's funny?

He said it all was useless

Meaningless - meaningless

He said "Everything is meaningless...

A chase after the wind"

Don't wish for a better day

Be glad and use the one you're in

Fear God and do exactly what He says

That's what matters

All else fades like the flowers

Well, he'd tried pleasure

But there was nothing in that

He built houses and gardens and parks

What good did it do?

Just got him more depressed

Meaningless - meaningless

He said "Everything is meaningless...

But this is what I learned in all my years"

Don't wish for a better day

Be glad and use the one you're in

Fear God and do exactly what He says

That's what matters

All else fades like the flowers

Meaningless - meaningless

He said "Everything is meaningless...

A chase after the wind"

Don't wish for a better day

Be glad and use the one you're in

Fear God and do exactly what He says

That's what matters

All else fades away

Meaningful - meaningful

Life holds new meaning

When God becomes the center of it all

I read about another Man once

He came to save the earth

You know I got to meet Him, Jesus

He revolutionized my whole entire life

Don't wish for a better day

Be glad and use the one you're in

Fear God and do exactly what He says

That's what matters

All else fades like the flowers

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