Cântăre Speak to me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 151
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7492-speak-to-me]Speak to me[/url]

Speak To Me

Speak to me Lord, for Your child is here, listening

Speak to me Lord, for Your child is here waiting on You

Speak to me Lord, for Your child is here, listening

Speak to me Lord, for Your child is here waiting on You

Unveil my eyes, let me see... see You

Unveil my heart, let me know... know You

Father do

You are the true God, the one living Lord... Father

You are the true God, the one living Lord... Father You

You are the true God, the one living Lord... Father

You are the true God, the one living Lord... Father You

Unveil my eyes, let me see... see You

Unveil my heart, let me know... know You

Father do

Jesus, Your word stands forever

Changing me forever

Speak to me Lord, for Your child is here, listening

Speak to me Lord, for Your child is here waiting on You

Unveil my eyes, let me see... see You

Unveil my heart, let me know... know You

Unveil my eyes, let me see... see You

Unveil my heart, let me know... know You

Speak to me Lord, for Your child is here

Speak to me Lord, for Your child is here

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