Cântăre Oh happy day

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 132
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7511-oh-happy-day]Oh happy day[/url]

Oh Happy Day

Duet with Carman


Oh happy day (oh happy day)

Oh happy day (oh happy day)

When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)

When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)

He washed my sins away

Oh happy day

He taught me how to watch, watch and pray

And live rejoicing every, every day

Oh happy day


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Big Homecoming

Sam Goodman, Travis Goodman

Duet with Jake Hess


There's gonna be a big homecoming

I'll meet you up in heaven

At that big homecoming in the sky

There's gonna be a great big table spread

Milk and honey fed

At that big homecoming in the sky

Friends and loved ones are missing

From our homecoming

Many hearts are made to feel sad

But we all shall meet friends and loved ones greet

Where the table of life is spread


Now you and I are waiting

And listening for that trumpet

When Jesus shall call us home

What a joyous occasion

A great celebration

As we gather around the throne


©1999 Lifting Music (ASCAP)

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meniu prim
El, de bună voia Lui, ne-a născut prin Cuvântul adevărului, ca să fim un fel de pârgă a făpturilor Lui. ( Iacov 1:18 )