Cântăre It will come to you

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 115
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7533-it-will-come-to-you]It will come to you[/url]

It Will Come To You

Jeff Silvey & John Mallory

I know you're waiting

For the light at the end

Of this tunnel that you're going through


What lies around the bend

Wondering what He has in store for you

Rest in His will

Keep the faith in prayer until

You see what He provides...


It'll come to you

Like a beacon into view

There's a light that will shine through

It'll come to you

Seek Him first in all you do

And when you least expect it to

It'll come to you

Looking back through

The pages of your past

There's a story of His faithfulness

When you come to

The chapter's end at last

You will see it turn out for the best

It'll be alright

Even in the darkest night, just hold out for the dawn...

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