Cântăre Love one another (2)

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 124
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7535-love-one-another-2]Love one another (2)[/url]

Love One Another

Boh Cooper and Todd Cooper

We spoke with the tongues of angels

But we didn't have love, no we didn't have love

We had faith that could move any mountain

But it wasn't enough, 'cause we didn't have love

We had wings but we did not fly

We had vision but we didn't have sight

Can we forgive, so the whole world can live


Love, Love one another

Leaving the past, believing in the power of love

Love one another

'Cause we're all in this together

Love one another

No one would live forever

If it wasn't for love, God's love

No one would stay together

If it wasn't for love

Disillusioned by the stained-glass sea

But there is truth for those that hope and believe

Now I can see, that the greatest of these is love


Love one another

Leaving the past, believing in the power of love

Love one another

'Cause we're all in this together

Love one another.
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Încredițează-ți soarta în mâna Domnului, și El te va sprijini. El nu va lăsa niciodată să se clatine cel neprihănit. ( Psalmii 55:22 )