Cântăre Shoelaces

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 128
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7540-shoelaces]Shoelaces[/url]


Nicole Mullen

I'm falling down over my own sheolaces

Trying to run with the crowd

I'm head over heels in the wrong direction

Until now

Yeah while I'm thinkin about it here's what I see

Somehow there seems to be two of me

The one in the mirror

And one that's been redeemed


So liberate my heart

Emancipate my soul

Forgive the sin in me

And make me whole

Every now and then I go thru phases

When I'm like a bird flying free

Then all of a sudden the old man awakens

And captures me

and then the good that I would

Is not what I do

When goodnes sis with me

Evil is too

So I come to you, Father, asking this of you



I'm fallin down over my own shoelaces.
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Iar acum, Domnul vorbește și zice: " În trei ani, ca anii unui simbriaș, slava Moabului va fi disprețuită, împreună cu toată această mare mulțime; și ce va rămâne va fi puțin lucru, aproape nimic. " ( Isaia 16:14 )