Cântăre Speed of light

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 141
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7544-speed-of-light]Speed of light[/url]

3 A.M. and you're tossing in your bed

Thoughts are turning in your head

You're hanging on, but how much longer

Why do empty things you pour your sould into

Never fill that void in you

Makes you wonder

There are shadows hanging over you

I know you wish that you could see beyond

But it's always darkest before the dawn

Love at the speed of light

Comes on the darkest night

Only takes a moment to change a life

All of us need His love

Come see the wonder of

The miracle that happens when we believe

Love at the speed of light

Comes on the darkest night

Only takes a moment to make us right

We can believe in love

We can be free at the speed of light

I've heard it said the peace of mind that you desire

Is in the power that you aquire

You're moving up, but how much longer

What's it matter if you gain a wealth of gold

But in the process lose your soul

You have to wonder

There is darkness surounding you

I hear you pray that you could see the sun

And that's the moment your freedom comes

Break away, leave the cold night

Steal away, from the shadows

Break away, leave the old life

Dance away from the dark

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