Cântăre Knockin on heavens door

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 132
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7546-knockin-on-heavens-door]Knockin on heavens door[/url]

In my closet

A spot is worn from hours and hours upon my knees

I step inside

The quiet's like a doorway to a world of peace

One thing I don't worry 'bout

I can't wear my welcome out

I keep knock, knock,

Knockin' on Heaven's door

I keep talk, talk

Talkin' 'cause You answer Lord

Won't be stop, stop

Stoppin' so be listening for me

I'm know, knock

Knowck' on Heveans door

I'm not a poet

No, it's not like me to speak in flowery words

Not a prophet

Not at least in these parts

That would be unheard of

But my heart speaks loud and clear

And since my prayers are answered here

Wisper what you're feeling

Shout it at the ceiling

Nothing's gonna fall on deaf ears

Ask Him for His mercy

Pray away your worries

What do you want Heaven to hear

Bless the world around you

Pray His peace surround you

Thank Him for His favor

Simply praise the Savious

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meniu prim
Și prin El, și voi sunteți zidiți împreună, ca să fiți un locaș al lui Dumnezeu, prin Duhul. ( Efeseni 2:22)