Cântăre You are all

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 145
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7550-you-are-all]You are all[/url]

You Are All

Rich Mullins, Beaker, and Mitch McVicker

Vocals by Mitch McVicker

Ecclesiastes 3:11, Job 42:2, Second Thessalonians 1:11

And here You are.

Shinin' in a glory that I can see.

When I look beyond myself,

And I fall into the depths

Of Your love that beckons me.

Well, it fills my hungerin' soul with all the riches

That are hidden in the wonders that You do.

And in the words that you have spoken,

There's a word that echoes still.

And I can hear it in the silence of these hills.

Lord, You are all that the world could not be.

You are great and strong.

You are good.

Lord, You are all

And everything that I could ever need.

You are faith.

You are hope.

You are love.

Yes, You are love.

You are peace.

You're my most high,

So now I fall down on my knees and cry,

You are all.

And here we are,

In a light that showers

From things unseen.

Drawn from earth, dropped from the sky,

They have crept into our lives

And called us to believe.

In the one of whom the distant clouds bear witness,

He was wounded.

He was raised and glorified.

And His voice thunders in the heavens,

And it pulses through our veins.

And we can find salvation

In the One, the Name.

Lord, You are all that the world could not be.

You are great and strong.

You are good.

Lord, You are all,

And everything that I could ever need.

You are faith.

You are hope.

You are love.

Yes, You are love.

You are peace.

You're my most high,

So now I fall down on my knees and cry.

You are all.

Lord, You are all that the world could not be.

You are great and strong.

You are good.

Lord, You are all,

And everything that I could ever need.

You are faith.

You are hope.

You are love.

Yes, You are love.

You are peace.

You're my most high,

So now I fall down on my knees and cry.

You are all.

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