Cântăre Oh my lord

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 136
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7553-oh-my-lord]Oh my lord[/url]

Oh My Lord

Rich Mullins, Beaker, and Mitch McVicker

Vocals by Michael Tate

Philippians 2:6-8, Mark 10:33-34

When I think that the world would rise to condemn You.

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord

Well it makes me cry.

You know it makes me tremble.

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord

Oh my Jesus, sweet lamb of God

You emptied yourself and became just like us.

Then You set aside Your glory,

And You took up that cross.

Through the crowd, through the cursing soldiers.

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord.

You fell to the ground with the cross upon your shoulders.

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord

Oh my Jesus, oh Man of sorrows

When You saw Your mother standing there upon that road,

Did You feel the pain of the sword that would soon pierce her soul?

Oh my Lord, yeah, oh my Lord

(Oh my Lord, oh my Lord)

Oh my Lord, yeah, oh my Lord

(Oh my Lord, oh my Lord)

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord

(Oh my Lord, oh my Lord)

Well a man was made to help carry that weight,

And a woman was moved to wipe the blood from Your face.

And then you fell again,

And You're taking more than a man could take.

You said, "Sisters, sisters. Don't you weep for me."

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord.

And then once again fell down to Your knees.

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord.

Oh my Jesus, God's only one.

Well they stripped off Your clothes.

Then they cast their lots.

Oooh, they stretched out Your arms

And nailed Your hands to that cross.

See a broken heart - it's what made You die.

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord.

And the blood and the water flowed out from Your side.

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord.

Oh my Jesus, Giver of Grace.

You know, gentle hands they took You down

And laid You in that grave scene.

No one believed You'd be back in three short days.

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord

(Oh my Lord, oh my Lord)

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord

(Oh my Lord, oh my Lord)

Oh my Lord, oh my Lord

(Oh my Lord, oh my Lord)


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