Cântăre Loves as strong

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
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Love's As Strong

Rich Mullins, Beaker, and Mitch McVicker

Vocals by Kevin Smith

Song of Solomon 8:6-7, Job 11:7-9

When love has got you in its throes

Even the summer's heat just freezes your soul.

And the sweetest song -

It just clanks along,

And the morning dew just says goodnight,

And leaves your heart undone.

It doesn't do to try and understand.

Nothin' that's as good as love ever made a lot of sense.

Like how the eagles fly

And how the rattlers slide

And what it is that comes to bind a woman and her man.

Love's as strong as death my love.

Unyielding as the grave.

Relentless as the desert sun.

And rivers cannot wash my love away.

Lord, I won't let it wash away.

And many waters cannot quench love.

There ain't nothing left to soothe you with.

Love has marked your soul the way the sun has marked your skin.

And there ain't no way to find no shade

When your soul's the very thing

That feeds the blaze that burns within you.

It just makes your cold heart melt.

The flames that burn as white as the very flames of hell.

So just hold on tight,

'Cause it's a long, wild ride

When you finally find the grace to love another as yourself.

Love's as strong as death my love.

Unyielding as the grave.

Relentless as the desert sun.

And rivers cannot wash my love away, away!

I won't let it wash away.

And many waters, it cannot quench love.

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