Cântăre Dont you know

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 121
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7557-dont-you-know]Dont you know[/url]

Don't You Know

I have hidden you

I have set you apart and…

Saved the best for me…saved the best for me..(oh)

I love you that much that I would

Hold the things that you think you want and..

I’ll give you the things that you really need….

Don’t you know that I know you

Don’t you know I know where you are

And all of heaven sings over you

Because of the depths of My love!

I love you with a love that you can not think of..no

I’m near you even though you feel far away..far away

I’ve rescued you and carried you

And caused your world to stop

Just so I could hear you say that You love me too!!

All of heaven sings over you…(4x)

Nu a fost notată încă!
Nu ai acces, deoarece nu ești autentificat!
Informații avantaje cont membru autentificat
Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Apreciază - dezapreciază
Nu a fost comentată încă!
Nu ai acces, deoarece nu ești autentificat!
Informații avantaje cont membru autentificat
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