Cântăre Incorruptible

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 121
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7564-incorruptible]Incorruptible[/url]


Incorruptible, indescribable

Salvation’s calling…

When I was longing…

Now You’re the strength that holds my life

With a love that will never die

And never fade like the flowers…

It is a love that stands forever!

Oh I am not redeemed by corruptible things

Not by silver, not by gold

And not by aimless tradition

But by the blood of God’s sacred Son Jesus …

Oh You alone are my living hope

And my inheritance is…


Incomparable, inconceivable

Your plans for me…

Shall always be…

And for the day that You’re revealed

My heart is forever sealed

With the promise of mercy…

And the hope of all Your glory!

Oh sacred Son

Who paid the price

Oh may I live a grateful life

That magnifies Your name forever!
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meniu prim
Da, inima noastră își găsește bucuria în El, căci avem încredere în Numele Lui cel Sfânt. ( Psalmii 33:21 )