Cântăre Man of no reputation

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 116
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7572-man-of-no-reputation]Man of no reputation[/url]

Man of No Reputation

It was said this man was of no reputation

Yet He could stop the rising storm

With a gesture of His hand

But He chose to use His hands to heal

Hearts of darkness, hearts of stone

Just like mine would be revealed

He was a man of no reputation

And by the wise, considered a fool

When He spoke about faith and forgiveness

In a time when the strongest arms ruled

But this man of no reputation

Loved the weak with relentless affection

And He loved all those poor in spirit just as they were

He was a man of no reputation

It was said this man brought only confusion

That He'd achieve his ends by any means

And the truth that it brings revolution

And for once they were right

The truth set us free

The hearts of the captive were his only concern

And the powerful knew their days were ending

He was a man of no reputation

And by the wise, considered a fool

When He spoke about faith and forgiveness

In a time when the strongest arms ruled

But this man of no reputation

Loved the weak with relentless affection

And He loved all those poor in spirit just as they were

He was a man of no reputation

One day soon the gates of heaven will open wide

And the Prince of Peace will come back for His bride

But for now we live on these streets

Forbidding and tough

Where push always comes to shove

And it's said love's never enough

Where a prophet in rags gives hope to a fearful world

No injustice, no heart of darkness

Will keep this voice from being heard

He was a man of no reputation

And by the wise, considered a fool

When He spoke about faith and forgiveness

In a time when the strongest arms ruled

But this man of no reputation

Loves us all with relentless affection

And He loves all those poor in spirit, come as you are

To the man of no reputation.
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