Cântăre We can make a difference

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 117
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7581-we-can-make-a-difference]We can make a difference[/url]

We live in a dream

If we really think

Everything's alright

This world is in need

Crying out to be freed

We gotta shed some light

Teach the world to smile

And hear angels sing

Feel the breath of God

And the power it brings

It's time to come together, you and I

And share the love of Jesus Christ

C: We can make a difference

We can make a change

We can make the world a better place

We can make a difference

We can make a change

We can make the sun shine through the rain

Shine on through the rain

Do you know a man

Who's needing a hand?

Don't ya walk on by

A sister is sad

Lost all that she had

We gotta take the time

Look around your world

It will testify

Some have empty hearts

Some have hungry eyes

God can heal the suffering through our hands

Find compassion, take a stand

Teach the world to smile

And hear angels sing

Feel the breath of God

And the power it brings

It's time to come together, you and I

And share the love of Jesus Christ

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