Cântăre Un lugar celestial

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 111
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7583-un-lugar-celestial]Un lugar celestial[/url]

Sometimes I realize when I gaze in the skies

This spinning world is not my home

A place of mystery, a place of destiny

Is where I know one day I'll go

I dream of beauty I have never seen

I know the arms of heaven wait for me

And yet I feel its sweetness here and now

In this life on earth -- I have found

C: Un lugar celestial

Just a little bit of heaven sent from up above

Un lugar celestial

Where the presence of my father

Holds me in his love

Un lugar celestial

When all my skies are gray

I simly steal away

Into my secret hiding place

When hearts are cold as ice

The breath of paradise

Blows warm and gentle on my face

I know I need my time alone with him

his healing waters flowing deep within

Don't have to wish upon a distant star

'Cause the light of love fills my heart

El cielo me llamo (Heaven is calling me)

Caminando en las nubes (Walking on the clouds)

Dulse beso de libertad (Sweet kiss of liberty)

Nubes de gloria (Clouds of glory)

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