Cântăre Baptize me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 133
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7591-baptize-me]Baptize me[/url]

In the desert of my shame

I have found myself to blame

Now I thirst for innocence

And your blood is there to quench

Pour your life into my soul

Let the cleansing waters flow

Make me as white as snow

C: Hear me as I pray

Wash my sins away

Drown me in Your grace

Baptize me

As my lips confess

Fill this emptiness

With your holiness

Baptize me

Touch my eyes and give me sight

Father bathe me in Your light

At your feet I'll always be

Until the day Your face I see

Let Your words consume my heart

Lead me to the deepest part

And the healing starts


There is a river of life flowing from

the throne of God (Rev. 22:1)

There is One who came by

water and blood

There is a Spirit who testifies to this

(1 John 5:6)

Anyone who believes in the Son has this

testimony in his heart (1 John 5:10)

Behold the Lamb of God, who washes

away the sins of the world (John 1:29)

Baptize me.
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