Cântăre Upside down

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 137
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7600-upside-down]Upside down[/url]

Upside Down

Everybody's searching for something

Something that they can call their own

Wishing, hoping, waiting for empty skies to open up

But they don't

What's up with all the obsession

What's in and what out

That's what it's about

Still we dream of better

Fearing nothing's gonna ever be right right, yeah

All alone, don't you know that you can't break free?

Take a look and see what's your reality

Upside down, spinning 'round and 'round

Happiness may not be what it seems

Inside out, alone without a doubt

Is your heart until He sets you free

From all of this reality

Oh, you know the world's so crazy

It'll chew you up, spit you out

Leave you feeling empty inside

Filling your head with little white lies

Jesus is the only reason that my heart is free to stay

You could dream a thousand dreams and have a million things

But nothing could replace the love that Jesus gave

Talk shows, ecstasy, horoscopes, DVD's, pop culture, magazines, chat rooms, MTV

Protein diets, internet, the story isn't over yet, the psychic network, really cares?


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