Cântăre Bells

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 132
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7620-bells]Bells[/url]


When I was a little boy

I'd wake up on a Sunday morning

And here the ringing of the bells

And I remember how good it made me

feel inside

It was like the Lord was saying "Good

morning, all is well"

And I'd get dressed in a hurry

And say "Mama can you take me

To where they're ringing the bells?"


Hear the ringing of the bells

Hear the ringing of the bells

Ain't it like a Voice that's calling

you home

After being gone so long

If you hear that ringing in your heart

Then you'll know where you belong

I spent my days at school

Chasing all those young man's dreams

Now we can fall under that spell

You'd best be mindful of what you keep

or leave behind

I turned to find I didn't know myself

so well

But I woke up one morning

And oh my heart was aching

I heard the ringing of the bells

(Repeat Chorus)

I can hear them ringing

Ringing, ringing, ringing

I can hear them ringing in my soul

(Repeat Chorus)

featured background vocalist:

Richie Furay

background vocals: Richie and Randy

Written and composed by Randy Stonehill

© 1985 Word Music (a division of Word,

Inc.) and Stonehillian Music (ASCAP)

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Căci ochii Domnului sunt peste cei neprihăniți, și urechile Lui iau aminte la rugăciunile lor. Dar fața Domnului este împotriva celor ce fac răul. ( 1 Petru 3:12 )