Cântăre The wild frontier

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
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The Wild Frontier

Like a child who dreams of flying

And aches for something more

We hold the dim remembrance

Of an ancient golden shore

Ah, but now our faith is frozen

We lost it by default

I tell you if we linger

We will all be turned to salt


Come where the Big Wind blows

Out on the wild frontier

Follow where it goes

Out on the wild frontier

It's as close as your heartbeat

It's as far as your fear

It's beyond the great horizon

Out on the wild frontier

Clinging to this hourglass

Bound up by regret

We mistake the spider's web

For a safety net

This vacuum we've erected

It robs our very breath

To embrace this grand illusion

Is to know the living death

Come where the Big Wind blows

Out on the wild frontier

Follow where it goes

Out on the wild frontier

Well this message is simple

For he who has ears

The promised land is calling

Out on the wild frontier

Smash all your mirrors

Break down your doors

And be made clean

By the Mighty Storm


Written by Randy Stonehill

© 1986 Stonehillian Music/Word Music (a div. of Word, Inc.)


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