Cântăre Defender

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 135
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7631-defender]Defender[/url]


When it all comes down

And there ain't any easy way out

When it all comes 'round

Sometimes all you can do is shout

You shout



It's all in Your hands


Take Your command

When the sirens sing

And they're pulling you on the rocks

When the viper stings

And it's putting you into shock


When it all comes down

Knockin' you to your knees

When the powers pound

All you can cry is please

Cry please


Written by Randy Stonehill and Dave Perkins

© 1986 Stonehillian Music/Word Music (a div. of Word, Inc.)/

Undone Tunes (ASCAP)

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