Cântăre Good news (2)

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 132
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7639-good-news-2]Good news (2)[/url]


Randy Stonehill

Good news Christ is returning / Good

news now the world is learning / Good

news Christ is returning / And Jesus gonna

bring us on home

Good news well I feel alright / Good news

here come like a thief in the night / Good

news He's gonna take us in flight / When

Jesus comes to bring us on home

Good news we're gonna live forever /

Good news floating light as a feather /

Good news we can all be together / When

Jesus comes to bring us on home

Oh, yeah, ain't that real good news / Oh

yeah, ain't that real good news / Go on

hang up your blues

Good news . . . ain't that real good news /

Good news . . . ain't that real good news /

Good news . . . ain't that real good news /

Jesus gonna bring us on home

Oh yeah, ain't that real real good news /

ain't that real real good news / Oh yeah,

ain't that real good news / Go on hang up

your blues


Good news Christ is returning / Good

news now the world is learning / Good

news Christ is returning / And Jesus gonna

bring us on home

come down make you feel alright / like a

thief in the middle of the night / come

down make you feel alright / like a thief in

the middle of the night


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Voi însă nu mai sunteţi pământeşti, ci duhovniceşti, dacă Duhul lui Dumnezeu locuieşte în adevăr în voi. Dacă n-are cineva Duhul lui Hristos, nu este al Lui.