Cântăre Christmas time

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 143
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7662-christmas-time]Christmas time[/url]


Randy Stonehill/Larry Norman

Santa Claus is comin' and the kids are gettin' greedy

And they know it's in the stores because they seen it on the TV

Whoo...it's Christmas time, yeah!

Whoo...it's Christmas time, yeah!

The DJs on the radio they'll really knock your head off

'Cause Macy's got a ad they wanna make alotta bread offa

Whoo...Christmas time, yeah!

Whoo...it's Christmas time, yeah!

Now Madison Avenue is such a pushy scene

You know they're painting all the billboards red and green

Whoo...Christmas time, yeah!

Whoo...it's Christmas time, yeah!

All right, I said a...

(Instrumental break)

Well, you go into the forest and you cut down all the trees

I know you got a power saw, but who plants the seeds?

Whoo...it's Christmas time, yeah!

Whoo...it's Christmas time, yeah!

Oh, now it used to be the birthday of a man who saved our necks

Now it stands for Santa Claus, they spell it with an "X"

Whoo...Christmas time, yeah!

Whoo...it's Christmas time!

I said a...

(Instrumental break)

Now I gotta buy a present, can't remember who it's for

But I'll see you in an hour when I get back from the store

Whoo...it's Christmas time, yeah!

All right, it's Christmas time!

Yeah, we're gonna price 'em high baby

It's Christmas time, yeah!

Sell 'em out now

Whoo...it's Christmas time, yeah!

Whoo...it's Christmas time, yeah!

Whoo...it's Christmas time, yeah, yeah!

It's a Christmas time...time...time...time

It's Christmas time!

Published By Straw Bed Music. All Rights Reserved.

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Ca și Numele Tău, Dumnezeule, și lauda Ta răsună până la marginile pământului; dreapta Ta este plină de îndurare. ( Psalmii 48:10 )