Cântăre Red letter day

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 128
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7678-red-letter-day]Red letter day[/url]

Red Letter Day

Every day before the rush gets started, I get down on my knees

And I pray, Lord, I need You here to guide me

Please speak to me

And something happens that I can't explain

His Word starts talking to me and I'm out to face this world again

I do believe it's gonna be another red letter day

I do believe believe it's gonna be another chance for me to take His word and walk by faith

I got a smile with every step I take

Knowing He is here with me

It's gonna be a red letter day

I had a friend call me up and tell me

How he struggles through each day

I told him that I didn't have all of the answers

This world's a crazy place

I've learned to hide God's Word in my heart

So I can have it with me when the pressures of the day start

I do believe it's gonna be another red letter day

I do believe believe it's gonna be another chance for me to take His word and walk by faith

I got a smile with every step I take

Knowing He is here with me

It's gonna be a red letter day

So many hidden treasures in God's Word for us to find

The mysteries and secrets that are there to bring us life

I do believe it's gonna be another red letter day

I do believe believe it's gonna be another chance for me to take His word and walk by faith

I got a smile with every step I take

Knowing He is here with me

It's gonna be a red letter day

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Căci El mă va ocroti în coliba Lui în ziua necazului, mă va ascunde sub acoperișul cortului Lui, și mă va înălța pe o stâncă. ( Psalmii 27:5 )